This paper is concerned with the way in which nursing research has inf
luenced changes in the organization of nursing services, particularly
the shift from so-called traditional nursing to new nursing. To this e
nd published research and professional literature are selectively revi
ewed. The case is made to support the view that change in nursing has
been driven forward by the evangelical zeal of opinion leaders rather
than evidence. It is suggested that holistic care as embodied in new n
ursing is no longer affordable. Market pressures have precipitated a r
evisiting of the task basis of nursing. An effective anchor would have
been a solid body of research evidence pointing up the value new nurs
ing may have. Regrettably not enough research was done prior to the di
ffusion of new nursing. What was done was not always adequate, and wha
t was adequate was not effectively deployed by nurse leaders. Nursing
is the largest workforce in the NHS and has attracted a great deal of
policy interest. It is suggested that it will become increasingly impo
rtant for nursing to be more strategic, and develop its own profession
ally driven research agenda. The future of the nursing profession is u
ncertain. It is clear that evidence-based practice is centre stage, an
d there is a need for nursing to re-negotiate its professional boundar
ies and to develop intellectual partnerships in order to move the know
ledge base of practice forward.