The present study examined age differences in the sources of information th
at older and younger adults use when making decisions about purchasing over
-the-counter (OTC) cold/allergy medications. Participants completed a quest
ionnaire addressing information sources that influence OTC purchases and ad
vertising awareness. The questionnaire was given either before or after com
pleting a decision task in which they searched a computerized display of la
bel information and chose one of seven brand name medications to purchase.
Analyses revealed age-related differences in sources of information conside
red and label information used when purchasing OTC medications. Priming par
ticipants to recall specific advertising claims using the questionnaire had
little effect on the information used by younger or older adults. Younger
adults relied on price and product use information, whereas older adults re
lied on side effect and drug interaction information. This finding has impl
ications for OTC label design and health care professionals who counsel pat
ients about OTC medication usage.