Molecular dynamics has been employed to study the disordering and amorphiza
tion processes in SiC irradiated with Si and Au ions. The large disordered
domains, consisting of interstitials and antisite defects, are created in t
he cascades produced by Au primary knock-on atoms (PKAs); whereas Si PKAs g
enerate only small interstitial clusters, with most defects being single in
terstitials and vacancies distributed over a large region. No evidence of a
morphization is found at the end of the cascades created by Si recoils. How
ever, the structure analysis indicates that the large disordered domains ge
nerated by Au recoils can be defined as an amorphous cluster lacking long-r
ange order. The driving force for amorphization in this material is due to
the local accumulation of Frenkel pairs and antisite defects. These results
are in good agreement with experimental evidence, i.e., the observed highe
r disordering rate and the residual disorder after annealing for irradiatio
n with Au2+ are associated with a higher probability for the in-cascade amo
rphization or formation of a large disordered cluster. (C) 2001 American In
stitute of Physics.