OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of neonatal circumcision immedia
tely following delisting of the procedure in Ontario and to examine pa
rents' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours regarding circumcision. DE
SIGN Cross-sectional survey. SETTING Perinatal tertiary care centre in
southwestern Ontario. PARTICIPANTS Of the 151 mothers approached, thr
ee were excluded because they did not speak English and two declined p
articipation; 112 of 146 mothers of healthy male newborns responded fo
r a response rate of 77%. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Circumcision status of
infant and parents' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour. RESULTS The
circumcision rate before delisting had been 56.2%; in the months immed
iately after, the rate was 59.8% (95% confidence interval was 51%, 69%
). Mothers of infants in the outcome groups did not differ significant
ly in any demographic feature other than education, where the group de
ciding against circumcision reported higher education levels (Wilcoxon
nonparametric two-sample test: z = 2.29, P = 0.02). Mothers who chose
circumcision listed medical (59%) and sociocultural considerations (4
0%) as most important to their decision. Father's circumcision status
was strongly associated with the infant's (X-2[df1] = 25.13, P = 0.000
1). Although 74% discussed circumcision with their family physicians,
many parents were not well informed about risks or benefits. Anestheti
c use during circumcision was reported by 29%, but 48% did not know wh
ether any had been used. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of neonatal circum
cision did not change after delisting. Informed consent was often lack
ing. Sociocultural issues are important to some parents and need to be
addressed in the consultation process.