A 13-year-old female initially presented with scoliosis and pes cavus.
Initial examination revealed distal lower extremity weakness and sens
ory loss, as well as greater auricular nerve hypertrophy. There was a
Babinski sign on the right. Nerve conduction velocities were consisten
t with a demyelinating neuropathy. Four years after initial presentati
on she developed lower extremity spasticity and bilateral Babinski sig
ns. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed diffuse white matte
r disease. Laboratory evaluation revealed an abnormally low galactocer
ebroside beta-galactosidase level. Nerve biopsy demonstrated inclusion
s consisting of globoid clusters and evidence of demyelination. DNA an
alysis was used to identify mutations consistent with Krabbe's disease
. Patients presenting with an atypical peripheral neuropathy should be
evaluated for Krabbe's disease. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.