Recent studies reported on a new magnetospheric phenomenon called cusp ener
getic particle (CEP) events. It; has been suggested that these energetic pa
rticles with significant fluxes up to several hundred keV/e are accelerated
locally in the cusp. An alternative explanation for the energetic particle
events is that they are accelerated at the quasi-parallel bow shock, then
transported downstream and enter the cusp along newly reconnected field lin
es or some other solar wind entry mechanism. It is well known that shock-ac
celerated ions have characteristic abundance ratios, composition ratios rel
ative to the solar wind composition, temperatures, and spectral dependency
on solar wind conditions. These parameters are used to distinguish between
a local (cusp) and remote (bow shock) acceleration. Our results show that a
verage values of these parameters in the cusp are comparable to those at qu
asi-parallel shocks. Furthermore, changes in some of these parameters indic
ate a solar wind entry process that depends on energy and mass. No local ac
celeration is required to explain the observed CEP events up to 150 keV/e.
For ions above 150 keV/e the magnetosphere itself may be responsible for th
e observed cusp fluxes.