Information was gathered from 485 males younger than 18 being evaluated as
possible juvenile sex offenders. More than 60% reported involvement in chil
d molestation, more than 30% in pornography, and ID to 30% in exhibitionism
, fetishism, frottage, voyeurism, obscene phone calls and phone sex. Compar
ed with adult males, juveniles had greater frequencies of fetishism, obscen
e phone calls, child molestation, and phone sex. Juveniles reported engagin
g in between 9 and 46 acts of sexual offenses. The average age of onset for
the sexual offenses was between 10 and 12 years. Juveniles unwilling to ad
mit violations of common social mores reported fewer sexual offenses than j
uveniles willing to admit such violations. Of the boys who reported never b
eing accused of child molestation, 41.5% reported they had molested a young
er child. Findings are discussed as they pertain to the assessment and trea
tment of juvenile sexual offenders.