The CX3C chemokine fractalkine was found to be up-regulated in the brain du
ring inflammatory processes. In this study, we tried to assess the role of
fractalkine in HIV-1-associated dementia. Fractalkine expression is up-regu
lated in the brains of AIDS patients with HAD. Fractalkine immunoreactivity
was mainly detected in astrocytes. in addition, fractalkine expression was
found to be up-regulated in cocultures of astrocytes and HIV infected macr
ophages. This up-regulation was dependent on cell-cell contact. We propose
that fractalkine produced during interactions between astrocytes and HIV-in
fected macrophages plays a role in HAD by regulating the trafficking of mon
ocytic cells in the brain parenchyma. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All ri
ghts reserved.