Understanding the development of a scientific approach is a valuable exerci
se in gauging the potential directions the process could take in the future
. The relatively short history of applying computational methods to absorpt
ion, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) can be split into define
d periods. The first began in the 1960s and continued through the 1970s wit
h the work of Corwin Hansch et al. Their models utilized small sets of in v
ivo ADME data. The second era from the 1980s through 1990s witnessed the wi
despread incorporation of in vitro approaches as surrogates of in vivo ADME
studies. These approaches fostered the initiation and increase in interpre
table computational ADME models available in the literature. The third era
is the present were there are many literature data sets derived from in vit
ro data for absorption, drug-drug interactions (DDI), drug transporters and
efflux pumps [P-glycoprotein (P-gp), MRP], intrinsic clearance and brain p
enetration, which can theoretically be used to predict the situation in viv
o in humans. Combinatorial synthesis, high throughput screening acid comput
ational approaches have emerged as a result of continual pressure on pharma
ceutical companies to accelerate drug discovery while decreasing drug devel
opment costs, The goal has become to reduce the drop-out rate of drug candi
dates in the latter, most expensive stages of drug development. This is acc
omplished by increasing the failure rate of candidate compounds in the prec
linical stages and increasing the speed of nomination of likely clinical ca
ndidates. The industry now understands the reasons for clinical failure oth
er than efficacy are mainly related to pharmacokinetics and toxicity. The l
ate 1990s saw significant company investment in ADME and drug safety depart
ments to assess properties such as metabolic stability, cytochrome P-450 in
hibition, absorption and genotoxicity earlier in the drug discovery paradig
m. The next logical step in this process is the evaluation of higher throug
hput data to determine if computational (in silico) models can be construct
ed and validated from it. Such models would allow an exponential increase i
n the number of compounds screened virtually for ADME parameters, A number
of researchers have started to utilize in silico, in vitro and in vivo appr
oaches in parallel to address intestinal permeability and cytochrome P-450-
mediated DDI. This review will assess how computational approaches for ADME
parameters have evolved and how they are likely to progress. (C) 2001 Else
vier Science Inc. All lights reserved.