BALB/cHeA (BALB/c) mice are sensitive to radiation lymphomagenesis, while S
TS/A (STS) mice are resistant. We have selected a recombinant mouse, R1, wi
th a STS-derived D16Mit165-D16Mit34 segment in the vicinity of the centrome
re of chromosome 16 among progeny from a (CcS-7/Dem x BALB/c)F-1 x BALB/c b
ackcross. To test the susceptibility to radiation lymphomagenesis, we gener
ated a genetic cross by mating the male and female R1 progeny obtained by 4
-6 backcrosses of R1 to BALB/ c. The mice were subjected to 4 x 1.7 Gy of X
-irradiation. Of 120 mice analyzed, 94 developed lymphomas (91, of thymic t
ype; 3, of nonthymic type) within 315 days of observation. The analysis ind
icated a link between the susceptibility to lymphomagenesis and the marker
D16Mit34 on chromosome 16. The mice heterozygous for the BALB/c and STS all
eles at D16Mit34 were less sensitive to lymphomagenesis than the mice homoz
ygous at this locus. There was no significant difference in latency among t
he genotypes. Our study showed the existence of a susceptibility locus for
radiation lymphomagenesis on chromosome 16 and revealed aspects of the gene
tics of lymphoma susceptibility.