Over the last few decades there has been a strong decrease in the number of
Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (TA and C) 'practitioners' - scientists w
ho know the ins and outs of TA and C and its (im)possibilities and are capa
ble of initiating new developments. By contrast, an increasing number of TA
and C 'users' are scarcely able to acquire in-depth knowledge of TA and C.
It is therefore of great importance that national TA and C societies creat
e the infrastructure for dedicated education. In addition, the feasibility
of setting up one or more expertise centers per country, where 'practitione
rs' can do research, carry out contract research and give advice to users,
needs to be investigated.
Equally important, the TA and C community needs to address a number of chal
lenges in the coming decade with the aim of controlling the 'knowledge cycl
e' in the field of polymers: to translate non-optimal properties into impro
ved processing conditions or even a more suitable macromolecular architectu
re, in order to reduce the lead times for the development and optimization
of materials.
Although Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry can generally be considered to be
'mature', in specific subareas a large number of new developments take pla
ce. A few examples of these developments and of state-of-the-art TA and C a
re given: quantitative heat capacity measurements by means of DSC; (very) h
igh pressure DSC; real-time morphological analysis and temperature-modulate
d X-ray analysis. In addition, a new form of TA and C is discussed: High Pe
rformance DSC (HPer DSC), which is also a high rate DSC and a high throughp
ut DSC.