The t(4;11) translocation is the cytogenetic hallmark of a subset of acute
lymphoblastic leukemias characterized by pro-B immunophenotype and a dismal
prognosis. This translocation fuses the MLL gene on chromosome band 11q23
and the AF4 gene on 4q21, resulting in the expression of fusion transcripts
from both translocated chromosomes. The MLL-AF4 chimeric transcript is tho
ught to mediate the leukemic transformation. The MLL genomic disruption det
ected by Southern blot and the RT-PCR for the MLL-AF4 chimeric transcript e
xpression are molecular evidence of this chromosomal translocation. However
, similar molecular rearrangements have also been identified in cases witho
ut the cytogenetic t(4;11). We report a 30-year-old patient with high risk
ALL, a normal karyotype, and molecular evidence of MLL-AF4 fusion, Using a
double color FISH assay with MLL specific PAC probes, a cryptic t(4;11) due
to insertion of 5' MLL sequences in chromosome 4q21 was demonstrated. Cons
equently the MLL-AF4 was encoded by der(4). This insertion mechanism preclu
des the genomic recombination of AF4-MLL end supports the crucial role play
ed by MLL-AF4 in leukemogenesis. The findings of our case, along with other
s, show the importance of complementing the karyotype with molecular and FI
SH techniques.