There are many data on the activity of the RE gene in neural differentiatio
n and apoptosis, but the role of pRb2/p130 in neuronal and glial maturation
has been far less investigated. To elucidate the role of pRb2/p130 in astr
ocyte development we overexpressed this protein in astrocytoma and normal a
strocyte cultures by adenoviral-mediated gene transfer. In astrocytoma cell
s, p130/RB2 overexpression resulted in a significant reduction of cell grow
th and in an increased G(0)/G(1) cell population. We did not observe any in
duction of programmed cell death as determined by TUNEL reaction. Interesti
ngly, pRb2/p130 overexpression induced astrocyte differentiation. Astrocyte
cell cycle arrest and differentiation seemed to proceed through a way dist
inct from the p53 pathway.