To investigate the origin of the African PTLV-I virus, we phylogenetically
analyzed the available HTLV-I and STLV-I strains. We also attempted to date
the presumed interspecies transmissions that resulted in the African HTLV-
I subtypes. Molecular-clock analysis was performed using the Tamura-Nei sub
stitution model and gamma distributed rate heterogeneity based on the maxim
um-likelihood topology of the combined long-terminal-repeat and env third-c
odon-position sequences. Since the molecular clock was not rejected and no
evidence for saturation was found, a constant rate of evolution at these po
sitions for all 33 HTLV-I and STLV-I strains was reasonably assumed. The sp
read of PTLV-I in Africa is estimated to have occurred at least 27,300 +/-
8,200 years ago. Using the available strains, the HTLV-If subtype appears t
o have emerged within the last 3,000 years, and the HTLV-Ia, HTLV-Ib, HTLV-
Id, and HTLV-Ie subtypes appear to have diverged between 21,100 and 5,300 y
ears ago. Interspecies transmissions, most probably simian to human. must h
ave occurred around that time and probably continued later. When the synony
mous and nonsynonymous substitution ratios were compared, it was clear that
purifying selection was the driving force for PTLV-I evolution in the env
gene, irrespective of the host species. Due to the small number of strains
in some of the investigated groups, these data on selective pressure should
be taken with caution.