The N(E) CKVV Auger spectra (with the X-ray excitation of the Auger emissio
n) of carbon atoms of standard samples with the sp(2)-, sp(3)- and mixture
of sp(2)/sp(3)-bonds and carbon containing contamination (CCC) have been st
udied. The Auger spectra of carbon atom samples with the sp(2)-, sp(3)- and
mixture of sp2/sp3-bonds have a distinguishing feature due to the sigma- a
nd pi -level positions in the valence band. The Auger spectra of CCC have i
nherent peculiarities due to chemical bonds (sp(3)) and electron energy los
ses. These data allow identification of the chemical bonds of carbon atoms
on any carbon surface in situ as well as ex situ. The combination of CKVV,
Cls and valence band XPS spectra was used to study chemical bonds for the d
epth of 2 / 10 monolayers. The surfaces of natural diamonds after polishing
and H-plasma treatment and of ultra dispersion diamonds (UDD) were studied
. The CKVV Auger spectra show that the carbon atoms on the surfaces of natu
ral diamond after the H-plasma treatment as well as on UDD have a new unkno
wn chemical state with sp(2)-bonds that differs in principle from that in g
raphite. This chemical state is a precursor for diamond nucleation and grow
th. Modifications of chemical bonds of carbon atoms on diamond surfaces, UD
D and polyethylene during in situ Ar ion sputtering were identified.