Wavefields endowed with the coherence-induced property of optical twist hav
e recently attracted a good deal of theoretical and experimental attention.
We present the generalized radiometric theory of fields generated by twist
ed Gaussian Schell-model sources. The effects introduced by the novel, rota
tionally symmetric, twist phenomenon in the radiant intensity, generalized
radiance, radiant emittance (irradiance), and the radiation efficiency are
assessed. The radiance becomes directionally skewed as a result of the twis
t, whereas the radiant intensity remains axially symmetric. The twist reduc
es the radiation efficiency and broadens the radiation distribution, in agr
eement with the notion that the twist decreases the effective coherence. Se
veral special cases, such as quasihomogeneous sources, are analyzed in deta
il. The radiometric results, which are physically consistent with the super
position models of twisted sources, are demonstrated by illustrative exampl