We hare investigated the development of the schistosome egg and its secreti
ons in order to understand how it migrates through gut tissues and also ini
tiates pathology in the liver. We show by electron microscopy that the subs
hell envelope is absent in the newly deposited egg, but appears very early
and differentiates as development progresses. In the mature egg, this nucle
ated envelope contains extensive endoplasmic reticulum, suggestive of a pro
tein synthetic capacity. Furthermore, Reynolds' layer only appears between
the envelope and the egg-shell in the mature egg and may represent its accu
mulated secretions. We have biosynthetically labelled and collected the sec
retions (ESP) released by mature but not immature eggs during culture. Thei
r fractionation by SDS-PAGE reveals a simple pattern of 6 bands, differing
markedly in composition from soluble egg antigen preparations. Electrophore
sis in casein substrate gels demonstrates the presence of 2 distinct protea
ses in the egg secretions. By immunocytochemistry, ESP localized predominan
tly to the envelope of the mature egg, suggesting that this layer rather th
an the miracidium is the source of egg secretions.