The behavior of the random anisotropy Ising model at T = 0 under local rela
xation dynamics is studied. The model includes a dominant short-range ferro
magnetic interaction and assumes an infinite anisotropy at each site along
local anisotropy axes which are randomly aligned. As a consequence, some of
the effective interactions become antiferromagneticlike and frustration ap
pears. Two different random distributions of anisotropy axes have been stud
ied. Both are characterized by a parameter that allows control of the degre
e of disorder in the system. By using numerical simulations we analyze the
hysteresis loop properties and characterize the statistical distribution of
avalanches occurring during the metastable evolution of the system driven
by an external field. A disorder-induced critical point is found in which t
he hysteresis loop changes from displaying a typical ferromagnetic magnetiz
ation jump (large avalanche spanning a macroscopic fraction of the system)
to a rather smooth loop exhibiting only tiny avalanches. The critical point
is characterized by a set of critical exponents, which are consistent with
the universal values proposed from the study of other simpler models.