Hydrogen (H-2) dilution of the source gas is known to be a key factor in pr
oducing hydrogenated amorphous silicon films that demonstrate a high degree
of optoelectronic stability. In this work, we investigate, using Raman spe
ctroscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM), wheth
er microstructural differences exist between such films and those made with
no H-2 dilution (i.e., that have greater instabilities). The key variable
is the H-2 dilution, which ranges from none to very high levels, producing
amorphous and microcrystalline silicon films. The TEM results show that emb
edded within the amorphous matrix are chainlike objects (CLO's) having simi
lar to3 nm widths, similar to 30 nm lengths, and showing a high degree of o
rder along their length. Such order implies vanishing levels of bond-angle
distortion (BAD). These CLO's are present in all samples investigated, but
their density increases with the level of H-2 dilution. The Raman spectra s
how a TO band centered at 490 cm(-1) (37+/-3 cm(-1) full width). Quantitati
ve analysis shows this band to exist in all samples investigated, but incre
ases in magnitude with increasing H-2 dilution. In the highest dilutions wh
en microcrystallites are observed, the band is distinctly evident. Its posi
tion and width are also consistent with very low (crystallinelike) levels o
f BAD similar to0 degrees. It is thus likely the 490 cm(-1) Raman band is a
signature of the intermediate ordered CLO's.