Since fluid filled bursae lead to visible structures on MR images it is imp
ortant to establish criteria to recognize them and to differentiate them fr
om tumorous fluid-like structures. With this study the bursae around the kn
ee joint were analyzed for potential differential diagnostic criteria such
as localisation, size and shape. Material and methods: In a retrospective s
tudy of 133 MR exams the frequency, localization and morphology were regist
ered. The frequency of occurrence was correlated with the frequency of an e
ffusion by means of the chi(2) test. Results: The most frequently recognize
d bursae were bursa subtendinea musculi gastrocnernii medialis (54.9%), bur
sa musculi semimembranosi (21%), and bursa infrapatellaris profunda (18.8%)
. 8 different bursae were identified in complete. Size roanged from 2 to 18
mm. The shape was round and ovoid. The bursa subtendinea musculi gastrocne
mii medialis and bursa musculi semimembranosi correlated with the occureanc
e of an effusion. Conclusion: Bursae around the knee are frequently visuali
zed as asymptomatic fluid like structures. Knowledge of the typical localiz
ation, size and contour is important for identification and differentiation
diagnosis against ganglia, cysts or joint recesses.