Two new species of Porifera belonging to the genus Clathrina Gray, 1867 hav
e been described. Clathrina septentrionalis sp. nov. is described from Lang
fjorden, northern Norway. The main diagnostic features of this new species
are the massive and well-delimited cormus with prominent oscula, and a skel
eton composed of triactines and tetractines with cylindrical actines and bl
unt end. The species seem to have a wide distribution in the N.E. Atlantic.
Clathrina cribrata sp. nov, is described from Kristiansund, western Norway
and is diagnosed by a skeleton composed of triactines, where the actines a
re slightly undulated, cylindrical, with blunt ends. Another good character
is a sieve of cells below the osculum. The species is only known from the
Norwegian coast.