Laryngeal wound healing is essential following laryngotracheal surgery. Pat
ients with poor wound healing develop poor epithelial closure and increased
granulation tissue which cause a stenosis of the repaired airway. Transfor
ming growth factor-beta3 has been shown to enhance wound healing in cutaneo
us wounds, but has never been used in the airway. This study utilized a rab
bit laryngeal wound-healing model that has been shown to be reproducible wi
th limited morbidity. Thirty-four rabbits underwent a cricoid-split operati
on with collagen sponge insertion. All animals were classified randomly int
o three groups: local administration of placebo (Group G1. n = 13), 0.18 mu
g transforming growth factor-beta3 (Group G2, n = 11) and of 1.0 mug transf
orming growth factor-beta3 (Group G3, n = 10). All animals survived the pos
toperative period without respiratory distress. The airway was harvested si
x days after surgery and assessed by light microscopy. Histologic evidence
for healing was subjectively graded by two blinded, independent investigato
rs, and the results were statistically analyzed for significance. A signifi
cant improvement in the epithelial closure (p < 0.01) and subepithelial con
nective tissue closure (p < 0.005) was found in the 1.0 mug transforming gr
owth factor-beta3 group (G3) compared with the placebo group (G1). Analysis
of the 0.18 mug transforming growth factor-beta3 group (G2) did not reveal
any significant differences compared with the placebo group (G1). These re
sults suggest an application for transforming growth factor-beta3 in accele
rating wound healing in the larynx.