The Beer-Lambert law is commonly used to describe the relationship between
the proportion of light penetrating a plant canopy and the leaf area index
(LAI). Although the geometric distribution of leaf area has a potential eff
ect on the ability of a plant to intercept light, the equation contains no
term to account for it. In this study, the geometric distribution of leaf a
rea was quantified by the fractal dimension of leafless plant structure (PD
). The objective was to evaluate the contribution of plant structure comple
xity to the Beer-Lambert law, by including FD in the equation. The crop was
soybean [Glycine mar. (L.) Merr.]. Data were collected according to a bloc
k design with four blocks and five weekly repeated measures. The analyzed v
ariables mere LAI and light penetration (% per plant), and FD, estimated us
ing leafless plants photographed from the side that allowed the maximum app
earance of branches and petioles. Statistical analyses were performed week
by week, on weekly means and on block means. When LAI and PD were significa
ntly correlated (i.e., at the end of canopy development and on weekly means
), inclusion of either variable as regressor in the equation provided simil
ar goodness-of fit. In other instances, inclusion of FD as a multiplicative
factor of LAI increased the r(2) value up to 0.31. In all instances, the c
orrelation between light penetration and FD was stronger than between light
penetration and LAI. In summary, the application of the Beer-Lambert law f
or light penetration into the canopy is improved by inclusion of FD.