F87084 is a germplasm release that has been developed by conventional breed
ing methods and can be traced back to very diverse germplasm sources. This
clone has excellent female fertility, round-oval tubers and is well adapted
to Eastern Canada. The vine maturity is slightly later than that of Kenneb
ec, and the mean marketable yield is 78% of Kennebec. The specific gravity,
boil, bake and chip scores are somewhat lower than Kennebec. F87084 is res
istant to late blight, Verticillium dahliae, early blight, and the pathotyp
es of wart occurring in Newfoundland. F87084 has extreme resistance to PVY
degrees and PVX. It is also resistant to the potato cyst nematode pathotype
Ro1. Progeny analyses indicate that F87084 is duplex for the genes control
ling extreme resistance to PVX as well as resistance to the potato cyst nem
atode (Ro1).