Uranium-rich zircons from a Paleoproterozoic, high-grade deformation zone i
n the Fennoscandian Shield, central Sweden, show an almost complete resetti
ng of the U-Pb system in early Phanerozoic time. A mylonitic gneiss in the
deformation zone contains two types of highly discordant (>70%), U-rich zir
cons: large, brown, cloudy prisms, and small milky-white irregularly shaped
grains. The gneiss also contains mostly clear prismatic zircon of lower U
content with mildly discordant to concordant U-Pb ages. Laser Raman spectro
scopy reveals that the dark cathodoluminescent areas in brown zircons have
a highly metamict crystal structure, whereas the structures of both the dar
k cathodoluminescent milky-white grains and the bright cathodoluminescent c
lear prisms have higher degrees of crystallinity.
Age dates obtained by U-Pb SIMS analysis of 40 zircons of the three types d
escribed above range continuously from concordant at 1871 +/- 11 Ma to 98%
discordant at 384 +/- 15 Ma. The strongly discordant zircons clearly have s
uffered severe disturbance at about the time of the Caledonian orogeny. How
ever, Caledonian metamorphic temperatures and pressures in this region did
not exceed 150-200 degreesC and 1-3 kbar, too low to strongly disturb the U
-Pb systematics in non-metamict zircon by thermal means alone. Independent
evidence indicates that saline fluids were circulating in the Paleoproteroz
oic basement rocks at this time, possibly driven by hydrological gradients
generated in front of the encroaching Caledonian orogenic wedge. These low-
temperature saline fluids are inferred to be responsible for causing both s
trong Pb loss in the mostly metamict brown zircons via a diffusive process,
and the formation of small milky-white zircon via a low-temperature recrys
tallization or dissolution/re-precipitation process.