Twenty-two species of aquatic Diptera have been collected from 16 sites on
the Iberian peninsula. Three Dixidae : Dixa nebulosa Meigen, D. puberula Lo
ew, D. submaculata Edwards; three Thaumaleidae: Thaumalea miki Edwards, T.
pyrenaica Edwards, T. verralli Edwards; and sixteen aquatic Empididae (Heme
rodromiinae and Clinocerinae): Hemerodromia adulatoria Collin, H. baetica C
ollin, H. gaditana nov. spec., Wiedemannia mirousei Vaillant, W. fallaciosa
(Loew), W. hygrobia (Loew), W. digitata Vaillant, W. tiburica nov. spec.,
Clinocera barbatula Mik, C. madicola Vaillant, C. tenella Wahlberg, C. nigr
a (Meigen), C. fontinalis (Haliday), C. stagnalis (Haliday), C. wesmaeli Ma
cquart and Dolichocephala ocellata Costa. Two species are new to science an
d several others are recorded for the first time in Spain or Andorra, altho
ugh their occurrence was expected because many records were based on collec
tions from the French Pyrenees.