Inefficient facet geometry suggests the lumbosacral junction to be mechanic
ally imperfect in a large number of dogs (especially German Shepherd Dogs)
resulting in a significantly higher prevalence of osteophyte formation and
increase in the longitudinal extension of the articular surface covering th
e caudal articular process of the seventh lumbar vertebra. Such osteologica
l features give evidence for lumbosacral craniocaudal translation, were pre
dominantly noticed in combination with axial rotation and are taken to be a
natomic risk factors that can predispose to the development of lumbosacral
stenosis. The statistically significant relationship between age and the ma
gnitude of the caudal facet inclination angles of the seventh lumbar verteb
ra in juvenile specimens indicate an affection of the three-dimensional mod
eling of the immature caudal articular processes by formative stimuli such
as body weight and locomotion. However, results additionally indicate an as
sociation between the magnitude of these inclination angles and vertebral b
ody dimensions also suggesting a congenital influence on facet geometry.