Context.-Several aspects of sweat gland carcinomas (incidence, classificati
on, diagnosis, and behavior) have not been definitively clarified and need
to be studied further.
Objective.-The clinicopathologic findings of a large series of sweat gland
carcinomas, collected during a period of 15 years, are presented.
Methods.-Sixty sweat gland carcinomas (41 porocarcinomas, 3 syringomatous c
arcinomas, 8 ductal carcinomas, 5 adenoid cystic carcinomas, and 3 mucinous
carcinomas) were analyzed histologically and immunohistochemically.
Results.-Porocarcinomas were composed of eosinophilic and clear atypical ce
lls arranged in solid-cystic lobular masses. These tumors were divided into
2 subgroups: horizontal porocarcinomas, showing a prominent intraepidermal
component, and nodular porocarcinomas, which demonstrated predominant nodu
lar growth. Syringomatous carcinomas presented keratinizing and nonkeratini
zing cysts, dilated tubules (sometimes with a "tadpole" appearance), small
neoplastic ducts, solid islands, and cellular cords. Ductal carcinomas were
characterized by a prominent formation of tubules, solid islands, and cell
ular cords. Adenoid cystic carcinomas presented a characteristic pattern, s
howing basaloid monomorphous cells with moderately atypical nuclei, arrange
d in cribriform or solid islands and in tubular structures. Mucinous carcin
omas were composed of moderately atypical cells with eosinophilic vacuolate
d cytoplasm, forming solid and cystic islands floating in large mucin pools
. Immunohistochemically, cytokeratin was found in neoplastic cells in all c
ases, carcinoembryonic antigen was detected in 73% of cases, and actin-posi
tive (myoepithelial) cells were not found.
Conclusions.-Although numerous studies have been published in recent years,
the histologic features, histogenesis, and classification of sweat gland c
arcinomas still remain controversial and need to be clarified by further st