A checklist was developed to determine the extent to which different adult
learning principles were embodied in the paired-paddock model used in the T
riple P Program. A total of 181 producers that were involved in the Triple
P Program between 1997 and 1999 completed the checklist at the end of the p
rogram. This enabled the relative strengths and weaknesses of the paired-pa
ddock model from an adult learning perspective to be identified.
The 15 adult learning principles assessed in the checklist were all operati
ng in the paired-paddock model to varying degrees. The adult learning princ
iples relating to the learning environment and learning process received th
e highest ratings from producers. In addition, the ratings given for these
adult learning experiences were significantly correlated with the change in
dex, a measure of the degree of on-farm adoption of productive pastures by
the program participants. The principles relating to the learning environme
nt were the existence of a comfortable learning environment, which allowed
effective 2-way communication enabling participants to learn from each othe
r. Principles relating to the learning process were the active participatio
n of producers in activities, the use of knowledge and experience within th
e group, and the provision of opportunity for reinforcement of information
and practice of skills.
The relative weaknesses identified in the paired-paddock model from an adul
t learning perspective were the degree of self-directed learning done by pa
rticipants, the limited involvement of participants in planning their learn
ing experience, and the limited extent to which the program related to prob
lem issues among the group. Despite these relative weaknesses it was conclu
ded that the paired-paddock model embodies sound adult learning principles
that assist in the delivery of quality learning outcomes for participants.