Inflammatory polyarthritis can be a self-limiting disease, develop into rhe
umatoid arthritis (RA) or differentiate into another form of chronic arthri
tis. It remains a clinical and scientific challenge to understand the relat
ionship between these phenotypes. determine their aetiologies and predict t
he course and outcome for individual patients. Even patients labelled as ha
ving RA show a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes. Disease definition is
a major problem in studying the aetiology of PA as currently used classific
ation criteria were derived using patients with established disease. RA is
thought to result from the combination of genetic susceptibility and exposu
re to an appropriate environmental trigger. The genetic component is probab
ly oligogenic. The association with HLA has been known for over 25 years. R
A is now thought to be associated with a conserved sequence of amino acids
in a number of HLA-DRBI alleles, called the RA shared epitope. However, the
shared epitope appears to be associated with PA chronicity and severity mo
re than with susceptibility. Other potential RA susceptibility genes includ
e IL-I, aromatase, corticotropin-releasing hormone and a region on the X ch
romosome. Hormonal and reproductive factors also influence RA susceptibilit
y and severity. RA is more common in women than men, especially before the
menopause. Men may be protected by hormonal factors and require a stronger
genetic component to develop disease. Although infectious triggers of RA ha
ve long been suspected, no definitive evidence has been obtained. Previous
blood transfusion, smoking and obesity are also possible risk factors, Chro
nicity and remission are important aspects of the natural history of early
PA. Although we can identify patients at risk of adverse prognosis with som
e accuracy, we remain unable to predict remission. Functional disability an
d radiological damage are the most studied outcomes in RA. Radiological dam
age often occurs early in the course of RA, bur patients may show erosion f
or the first time several years after symptom onset. Many studies have demo
nstrated a relationship between HLA and features of severe RA in establishe
d patients. This appears to be related to gene dosage.