Background It has been suggested that there is frontal lobe involvement in
schizophrenia. and that it may be lateralised and gender-specific.
Aims To clarify the structure of the frontal robes in schizophrenia in a po
stmortem series.
Method The volume of white matter and cortical components of the frontal lo
bes was measured in brains of controls and patients with schizophrenia usin
g planimetry and the Cavalieri principle. The components measured were: sup
erior frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, a composite of inferior frontal
gyrus and orbite-frontal cortex. as well as total frontal lobe cortex and w
hite matter. In addition. the anterior cingulate gyrus was measured.
Results No diagnosis,gender, diagnosis x side, diagnosis x gender or diagno
sis x gender x side interactions were observed in the volume of any of the
components, the grey matter as a whole or the white matter. No evidence for
volumetric inter-group differences was found for the anterior cingulate gy
Conclusions Such structural abnormalities as are present in the frontal rob
es are more subtle than straightforward alterations in tissue volume; they
may include changes in shape and the pattern of gyral folding.
Declaration of interest This work was supported by The Medical Research Cou
ncil and The Wellcome Trust.