Soil aggregate stability is widely recognized as a key indicator of soil qu
ality and rangeland health. However, few standard methods exist for quantif
ying soil stability in the field. A stability kit is described which can be
inexpensively and easily assembled with minimal tools. It permits up to Is
samples to be evaluated in less than 10 min and eliminates the need for tr
ansportation, minimizing damage to soil structure. The kit consists of two
21 x 10.5 x 3.5 cm plastic boxes divided into eighteen 3.5 X 3.5 cm section
s, eighteen 2.5-cm diameter sieves with 1.5-mm distance openings and a smal
l spatula used for soil sampling. Soil samples are rated on a scale from on
e to six based on a combination of ocular observations of slaking during th
e first 5 min following immersion in distilled water, and the percent remai
ning on a 1.5-mm sieve after five dipping cycles at the end of the 5-min pe
riod. A laboratory comparison yielded a correlation between the stability c
lass and percent aggregate stability based on oven dry weight remaining aft
er treatment using a mechanical sieve. We have applied the method in a wide
variety of agricultural and natural ecosystems throughout western North Am
erica, including northern Mexico, and have found that it is highly sensitiv
e to differences in management and plant community composition. Although th
e field kit cannot replace the careful laboratory-based measurements of soi
l aggregate stability, it can clearly provide valuable information when the
se more intensive procedures are not possible. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B,
V. All rights reserved.