Scientific research on the effects of essential oils on human behavior lags
behind the promises made by popular aromatherapy. Nearly all aspects of hu
man behavior are closely linked to processes of attention, the basic level
being that of alertness, which ranges from sleep to wakefulness. In our stu
dy we measured the influence of essential oils and components of essential
oils [peppermint, jasmine, ylang-ylang, 1,8-cineole (in two different dosag
es) and menthol] on this core attentional function, which can be experiment
ally defined as speed of information processing. Substances were administer
ed by inhalation; levels of alertness were assessed by measuring motor and
reaction times in a reaction time paradigm. The performances of the six exp
erimental groups receiving substances (n = 20 in four groups, n = 30 in two
groups) were compared with those of corresponding control groups receiving
water. Between-group analysis, i.e. comparisons between experimental group
s and their respective control groups, mainly did not reach statistical sig
nificance. However, within-group analysis showed complex correlations betwe
en subjective evaluations of substances and objective performance, indicati
ng that effects of essentials oils or their components on basic forms of at
tentional behavior are mainly psychological.