Ophthalmic properties expressed as functions of dioptric power cannot
depend on the particular spherocylindrical form (positive or negative
cylinder) chosen to represent the power: they are necessarily invarian
t under spherocylindrical transposition. This condition of invariance
places restrictions on the mathematical form that valid ophthalmic fun
ctions can assume. Tests are presented for checking the validity of pr
oposed ophthalmic functions and properties. Examples from the literatu
re are examined, including Keating's concept of torsional power and Pe
ters' graphs of expected unaided visual acuity vs. ametropia. The form
er satisfies the condition of invariance but the latter are shown to v
iolate the condition for ametropias which are close to spherical. The
analysis shows partly how the graphs need to be refined. Invariance un
der spherocylindrical transposition can assist the researcher in devel
oping new concepts and relationships that depend on power expressed in
terms of sphere, cylinder, and axis.