This paper describes the development of a two-phase radiation model for the
prediction of radiant heat attenuation in fires by water mist. It has been
especially developed for incorporation in comprehensive field models of fi
re extinguishment by a water mist. The model predicts the opacity of the mi
st by summing over the absorption and scattering coefficients for each part
icle size present. A novel approach is proposed to reconcile the Eulerian f
orm of the radiation transport equations with the Lagrangian particle track
ing procedure. The model is fast, applicable to cases where the mist is mod
eled following the Lagrangian concept, and it retains in evidence the physi
cs of the problem while avoiding complex mathematics. Validation with exper
imental measurements has shown that the model reproduces the water mist/rad
iation interaction with sufficient engineering accuracy. Results also indic
ate that radiation is a primary mechanism in fire extinguishment, since it
contributes to nearly half of the total heat removal by the droplets.