An ecosystem management program and assessment process was developed to sta
ndardize an ecosystem-based approach to protecting the ecological integrity
of Ontario's national parks. The elements of the ecosystem management prog
ram collectively represent the dominant planning and technical aspects of e
cosystem management. Within the program, 11 specific products-ecosystem con
servation plan, greater park ecosystem inventory and analysis, greater park
ecosystem scope, area of cooperation, stakeholder analysis, partnership gr
oup management guidelines, scientific research program, ecological indicato
rs, ecological integrity monitoring program, information network, and commu
nication strategy-are considered requisite tools to improve the scientific
understanding required for park management within the context of greater pa
rk ecosystems and to increase communication and coordination among governme
nts and citizens to improve decision making. The formal process uses evalua
tion criteria associated with the 11 products to assess progress in develop
ing an ecosystem management program and the content of the related products
. The assessment process, which provides comprehensive identification of a
park's specific ecosystem management needs, has been applied to all nationa
l parks in Ontario in the past year, which has had the immediate effect of
refining their ecosystem management programs.