Several experiments aimed at characterising the hydrodynamics of megatidal
beaches outside the surf zone were carried out between 1990 and 1994 on the
Cotentin coast of the Cherbourg Peninsula in Normandy. The database was es
tablished from the records of several electromagnetic current meters and pr
essure sensors and from field surveys. The mean spring tidal range on these
beaches varies between 9.3 and 11.4 m. The results show the prevalence of
strong longshore currents, with velocities up to 0.5 m s(-1), on the low- a
nd mid-tidal beach zones. Mostly oriented northward, these currents reflect
both a progressive tidal wave and a strong longshore gradient in water lev
el between the Channel Islands embayment and the English Channel. While var
ying largely during a typical tidal cycle, these longshore velocities are m
aximum at high tide, reflecting the progressive nature of the tides. This h
igh-tide maximum velocity increases by a factor of 1.5 between the mean tid
e and mean spring tide, and between the mid- and low-tidal zones due to bed
friction effects. Cross-shore velocities are generally weak (<0.1m s(-1)),
but sometimes stronger in smaller water depths. In the low-tidal zone, the
y are commonly oriented onshore at the beginning of the rising tide and off
shore during the falling tide. This circulation results from a west-east cr
oss-shore gradient in water level that is particularly important around the
mean water level. Towards high tides. weak offshore steady flows were obse
rved in the presence of waves.
Site-specific relationships were defined in order to characterise the modul
ation of significant wave height by sea level fluctuations both on the shor
eface and in the intertidal zone. The water depth variability during the ti
dal cycle induces fluctuations in the dissipation by bottom friction, resul
ting in wave height changes. The influence of tidal currents on the wave he
ight proved to be very small in this context.
The tidal fluctuations also influence the instantaneous near-bed currents i
nduced by simultaneous action of non-breaking waves and the tides. During s
tormy conditions, wave-induced gravity orbital motions dominate the steady
flows in the mid-tidal zone, outside the surf zone. At this location. the s
hallow water friction effect results in weak steady longshore currents, and
low water depths explain strong orbital motions. The opposite conditions p
revail in the low-tidal zone, where the steady tidal currents are stronger
than gravity orbital velocities during a few hours around high tide. Outsid
e this period, with the decrease in water depth and in steady current inten
sity due to friction effects, the tidal and gravity wave-induced currents h
ave comparable intensities. In both the low- and mid-tidal zones, infragrav
ity motions are weak outside the surf zone. The foregoing results show that
outside the surf zone, these megatidal beaches are characterised by wave-d
ominated mid-tidal zones and tide-dominated low-tidal zones during spring t
ides. We suggest the term "mixed wave-tide-dominated'' for these beaches wi
th very large tidal ranges. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reser