Babies who are small due to intrauterine growth restriction are at higher r
isk for poor perinatal and long-term outcome than those who are appropriate
ly grown. Through multiple antenatal testing modalities a sequence of deter
iorating fetal status can be documented in such cases. The nature of this c
ompromise is best reflected by the combination of fetal biometry, biophysic
al profile scoring and arterial and venous Doppler, This combination accura
tely defines fetal states and therefore risk of stillbirth or poor transiti
on to extrauterine life. In the preterm neonate, fetal factors, gestational
age and neonatal course interact significantly to impact on short- and lon
g-term outcomes. The potential for iatrogenic prematurity is great and ongo
ing appraisal of peripartum management is critical. An integrated managemen
t protocol accounting for these factors is examined in this review. Curr Op
in Obstet Gynecol 13:161-168. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.