The twin-twin transfusion syndrome is a serious complication of monochorion
ic twin pregnancies. Partly as a result of an inadequate understanding of t
he pathophysiology of the syndrome, there is a lack of consensus in clinica
l management. We sought to review the available information on the etiology
of twin-twin transfusion syndrome, to identify parameters that contribute
to the severity of the syndrome, and propose a rational management plan bas
ed on pathophysiology, clinical presentation and the efficacy of therapies.
We therefore amalgamated recent advances in twin-twin transfusion syndrome
computer modelling and clinical studies, particularly on therapeutic outco
mes. We round that the oligo-polyhydramnios sequence that defines twin-twin
transfusion syndrome prenatally represents a wide continuum of severity in
the imbalance between the fetoplacental circulations of both twins. In sev
ere twin-twin transfusion syndrome cases, in which the circulatory imbalanc
e deteriorates beyond fetal control, fetoscopic laser therapy of all anasto
moses along the placental vascular equator is predicted to have significant
ly better survival rates and fewer neurological sequelae than amnioreductio
n, In contrast, mild twin-twin transfusion syndrome cases have better outco
mes after one or at most a few amnioreductions than laser therapy, as a res
ult of significantly fewer procedure-related risks. In conclusion, optimal
individual therapy may possibly achieve an 85% survival rate in twin-twin t
ransfusion syndrome, but requires advancement in non-invasive criteria that
predict the severity of the syndrome. identifying such criteria is a futur
e challenge. For the interim, twin-twin transfusion syndrome diagnosed befo
re 26 weeks' gestation has significantly better survival rates and fewer ne
urological sequelae after laser therapy than amnioreduction, Twin-twin tran
sfusion syndrome diagnosed after 26 weeks can best be treated by amnioreduc
tion, or delivery. Contrary to previous claims, fetoscopic laser therapy ha
s outgrown its experimental status. Although improvements in technique and
technology are likely, laser placental ablation has a firm scientific and c
linical basis. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 13:193-206. (C) 2001 Lippincott Wil
liams & Wilkins.