Purpose: To evaluate the neural network used by the GDx in a group of norma
l subjects, patients with ocular hypertension (OHT) and patients with norma
l-pressure glaucoma (NPG). Methods: The GDx neural network produces a "numb
er" that indicates the likelihood that glaucoma is present. This number was
compared in three groups representing different stages of health and disea
se, namely, normal controls (n=101), OHT (n=102) and NPG (105). The GDx num
ber's ability to differentiate between normal and glaucoma individuals was
then investigated. We also studied the relationship between the GDx number
and retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) average thickness and visual field sta
tus to examine how well the GDx number reflects disease severity. Results:
The GDx number was significantly different among the groups (P<0.01); it wa
s highest in NPC and lowest in normal controls. The GDx number differentiat
ed between glaucoma and normal with sensitivity of 92.3% and specificity of
96%. When combined with the parameter of RNFL average thickness, sensitivi
ty and specificity were 88.5% and 100% respectively. In NPG a significant c
orrelation was found between the GDx number and RNFL average thickness(rho=
-0.88, P<0.001) and visual field mean deviation (rho=-0.64, P<0.001). Concl
usion: The GDx number is able to differentiate between groups of normal, OH
T and NPG subjects. Its close relationship with RNFL average thickness and
visual field status in glaucoma indicates that it is able to reflect diseas
e severity. Furthermore, its measured ability to distinguish between normal
individuals and those with glaucoma demonstrates potential for use in glau
coma diagnosis.