Large-grain excimer laser-annealed polysilicon TFTs are studied. Due to the
large grain size of the polysilicon film (about 2.5 mum), we propose a mod
el for the on-current (above threshold voltage) taking into account the num
ber of grain boundaries within the channel. This linear-region model consid
ers grain and grain boundaries as two noncorrelated regions within the chan
nel of a polysilicon TFT. The trap density at the grain boundaries and the
device parameters involved in this model are determined by fitting the expe
rimental transfer characteristic in the linear regime. Moreover, we show th
at the proposed model provides reliable results within a temperature range
from 150 K to 300 K, Finally, it serves to optimize the energy density of l
aser annealing and to make predictions about polysilicon TFT technology, si
nce TFTs performances versus grain size plots can be obtained.