Apart from the active semiconductor chips a multitude of surface acoustic w
ave (SAW) filters are the key components that make modern RF circuits for m
obile telecommunication and multimedia applications work. The latter are th
e most sophisticated and delicate species of passive components of which to
day's RF applications contain several hundred. While active integration has
led to decreasing numbers of semiconductors inside a phone, at the time be
ing, the passive components outnumber the actives by far. Obviously, the hi
ghest potential for further miniaturization lies in the passive components.
As the market asks for further miniaturized mobile phones and digital tune
rs EPCOS AG, Munich, Germany, tackles this challenge not only by further sh
rinking the SAW filters, but also by integrating additional functions into
the SAW filters, which were originally not SAW related at all. This paper b
riefly presents several applications for such highly miniaturized SAW filte
rs offering superior filter performance combined with additional features l
ike impedance transformation, balun functionality, or double balanced opera
tion, allowing for smaller and cheaper designs by effectively reducing prin
ted-circuit-board space, as well as component count.