It is of great benefit to have advance knowledge of human visual target acq
uisition performance for targets or other relevant objects. However, search
performance inherently shows a large variance and depends strongly on prio
r knowledge of the perceived scene. A typical search experiment therefore r
equires a large number of observers to obtain statistically reliable data.
Moreover, measuring target acquisition performance in field situations is u
sually impractical and often very costly or even dangerous. This paper pres
ents a new method for characterizing information of a target relative to it
s background. The resultant computational measures are then applied to quan
tify the visual distinctness of targets in complex natural backgrounds from
digital imagery. A generalization of the Kullback-Leibler joint informatio
n gain of various random variables is shown to correlate strongly with visu
al target distinctness as estimated by human observers. Bootstrap methods f
or assessing statistical accuracy were used to produce this inference.