Infestations serve a demand for multimedia services with high quality and h
igh data rate. The challenge for Infestation system design is how to downlo
ad as many information bits when a mobile user drives through an Infostatio
n cell. A variable rate TDMA/TDD radio architecture is: chosen for study an
d experimental implementation because of its flexibility in a multiuser env
ironment. A symbol rate and rate compatible punctured convolutional code co
ntrolled adaptive transmission scheme is proposed for the Infestation radio
design. Data throughput is analyzed for a mobile user passing through an I
nfestation cell. The analysis indicates that three data rates at 0.25, 1.0
and 2.0 Mbps achieve greater than 85% of the theoretical throughput while s
implifying the implementation. The punctured convolutional code: is studied
to maximize the Infestation throughput. A recommendation is made to use ra
te 1/2 coding scheme. An efficient rate adaptation algorithm is proposed an
d it can track tile Rayleigh fading channel well and the capacity loss is n
egligible in various conditions.