Let C be a collection of bounded operators on a Banach space X of dimension
at least two. We say that C is finitely quasinilpotent at a vector x(0) is
an element of X whenever for any finite subset F of C the joint spectral r
adius of F at x(0) is equal 0. If such collection C contains a non-zero com
pact operator, then C and its commutant C' have a common non-trivial invari
ant subspace. If, in addition, C is a collection of positive operators on a
Banach lattice, then C has a common non-trivial closed ideal. This result
and a recent remarkable theorem of Turovskii imply the following extension
of the famous result of de Pagter to semigroups. Let S be a multiplicative
semigroup of quasinilpotent compact positive operators on a Banach lattice
of dimension at least two. Then S has a common non-trivial invariant closed