A simple extension of the standard linear theory, describing the free-fligh
t motion of a projectile, now includes the influences due to the projectile
impacting yaw cards. The card impacts are modeled as ideal delta function
impulses that are shown to alter the usual yawing motion of a spin-stabiliz
ed projectile passing through a yaw card range. Card-induced changes in the
complex-valued yaw modes are expressed as difference equations. Known anal
ytic solutions to these difference equations show how card impacts influenc
e a projectile's yawing motion by relating simple expressions of the card s
pacing to a parameter describing the material density of the yaw cards, The
se solutions also reveal that both bounded and unbounded yaw mode magnitude
s can be induced by yaw card impacts. Furthermore, the model shows that mom
ents caused by repeated projectile and card interactions should not always
be treated as negligible, Examples of these results for a typical small arm
s projectile (7.62 mm) launched from an unworn gun tube are presented.