The atmosphere above the western equatorial Pacific warm pool (WP) is an im
portant source for the dynamic and thermodynamic forcing of the atmospheric
general circulation. This study uses a high-resolution reanalysis and seve
ral observational datasets including Global Precipitation Climatology Proje
ct precipitation, Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Tropical Atmosphe
re Ocean moored buoys, and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment, TOGA Coupled
Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE), and Central Equatorial Pacifi
c Experiment (CEPEX) radiation data to examine the details of the dynamical
processes that lead to this net positive forcing. The period chosen is the
period of two field experiments: TOGA COARE and CEPEX during December 1992
-March 1993.
The four months used in the study were sufficient to establish that the war
m pool atmosphere (WPA) was close to a state of radiative-convective-dynami
c equilibrium. The analysis suggests that the large-scale circulation impor
ts about 200 W m(-2) of sensible heat and about 140 W m(-2) of latent energ
y into the WPA mainly through the low-level mass convergence and exports ab
out 420 W m(-2) potential energy mainly through the upper-level mass diverg
ence. Thus the net effect of the large-scale dynamics is to export about 80
W m(-2) energy out of the WPA and cool the WPA by about 0.8 K day(-1). The
dynamic cooling in addition to the radiative cooling of about 0.4 K day(-1
) or 40 W m(-2) leads to a net radiative-dynamic cooling of about 1.2 K day
(-1) or 120 W m(-2), which should be balanced by convective heating of the
same magnitude.
The WPA radiative cooling is only about 0.4 K day(-1), which is considerabl
y smaller than previously cited values in the Tropics. This difference is l
argely due to the cloud radiative forcing (CRF), about 70 W m(-2), associat
ed with the deep convective cirrus clouds in the WPA, which compensates the
larger clear sky radiative cooling. Thus moist convection heats the WPA, n
ot only through the direct convective heating, that is, the vertical eddy s
ensible heat and latent energy transport, but also through the indirect con
vective heating, that is, the CRF of deep convective clouds. The CRF of the
deep convective clouds has a dipole structure, in other words, strong heat
ing of the atmosphere through convergence of longwave radiation and a compa
rable cooling of the surface through the reduction of shortwave radiation a
t the surface. As a result, the deep convective clouds enhance the required
atmospheric heat transport and reduce the required oceanic heat transport
significantly in the WP. A more detailed understanding of these convective
processes is required to improve our understanding of the heat transport by
the large-scale circulation in the Tropics.