Bd. Gold et al., Genotypic, clinical, and demographic characteristics of children infected with Helicobacter pylori, J CLIN MICR, 39(4), 2001, pp. 1348-1352
Helicobacter pylori isolates vary between geographic regions. Certain H. py
lori genotypes may be associated with disease outcome. Thirty-eight childre
n underwent diagnostic upper endoscopy at four medical centers and were ret
rospectively analyzed to determine if Ii. pylori virulence genes were assoc
iated with endoscopic disease severity, histologic parameters, and host dem
ographics. The ii. pylori virulence genotype was analyzed by a reverse hybr
idization line probe assay and type-specific PCR. Endoscopic ulcers or eros
ions were found in 17 (45%) patients, with 13 (34%) of these patients havin
g antral nodularity. Histological gastritis, of varying severity, was prese
nt in all children. Four patients harbored more than one Ii. pylori strain:
one subject had both cagA(+) and cagA-negative strains, while three patien
ts harbored either two different cagA-negative strains (two children) or tw
o cagA(+) strains tone child). There were 28 (74%) cagA(+) isolates; 19 wer
e associated with the vacA s1b genotype, 7 were associated with the vacA sl
a genotype. 1 was associated with the vacA s1c genotype, and 1 was associat
ed with the s2 genotype. Of 14 cagA-negative isolates, 6 were vacA s2 genot
ype, 4 were vacA s1b, 3 were vacA sla, and I was, vacA sie. Nine of ten (90
%) Hispanics had similar II. pylori strains (vacA s1b,ml), and all Asian-Ca
nadian children were infected by strains with vacA sie genotype, No correla
tion between Ii. pylori strain and endoscopic or histopathologic abnormalit
ies was found. This study provides a baseline framework of North American c
hildren and their H. pylori strains, serving as a powerful epidemiological
tool for prospective investigations to better understand the transmission a
nd evolution of diverse disease outcomes.