A computational study of three-dimensional vortex-cylinder interaction is r
eported for the case where the nominal orientation of the cylinder axis is
normal to the vortex axis. The computations are performed using a new tetra
hedral vorticity element method for incompressible viscous fluids, in which
vorticity is interpolated using a tetrahedral mesh that is refit to the La
grangian computational points at each timestep. Fast computation of the Bio
t-Savart integral for velocity is performed using a box-point multipole acc
eleration method for distant tetrahedra and Gaussian quadratures for nearby
tetrahedra. A moving least-square method is used for differentiation, and
a flux-based vorticity boundary condition algorithm is employed for satisfa
ction of the no-slip condition. The velocity induced by the primary vortex
is obtained using a filament model and the Navier-Stokes computations focus
on development of boundary-layer separation from the cylinder and the form
and dynamics of the ejected secondary vorticity structure. As the secondar
y vorticity is drawn outward by the vortex-induced flow and wraps around th
e vortex, it has a substantial effect both on the essentially inviscid flow
field external to the boundary layer and on the cylinder surface pressure
field. Cases are examined with background free-stream velocity oriented in
the positive and negative directions along the cylinder axis, with free-str
eam velocity normal to the cylinder axis, and with no free-stream velocity.
Computations with no free-stream velocity and those with free-stream veloc
ity tangent to the cylinder axis exhibit similar secondary vorticity struct
ures, consisting of a vortex loop (or hairpin) that wraps around the primar
y vortex and is attached to the cylinder boundary layer at two points. Comp
utations with free-stream velocity oriented normal to the cylinder axis exh
ibit secondary vorticity structure of a markedly different character, in wh
ich the secondary eddy remains close to the cylinder boundary and has a qua
si-two-dimensional form for an extended time period.