Because widely held stereotypes characterize obese people as less intellige
nt, unhappy, lacking in self control and more prone to psychological proble
ms, we tested whether obese appearance alone would affect medical students'
decisions about the diagnosis and management of simulated patients. We vid
eotaped 4 patient simulators presenting each of 4 cases in 2 states: normal
and obese (by using padding and bulky clothing). Seventy-two clinical stud
ents at 2 medical schools viewed the cases and answered questions about dia
gnostic tests and management. We found the expected biases toward patients
when in their obese form as well as pessimism about patient compliance and
success of therapy, but there were no significant differences in tests or t
reatments ordered except where appropriate for an obese patient (e.g., weig
ht reduction diet). Thus, the appearance of obesity alone biased the studen
ts' impressions of the patients, but did not affect diagnostic test orderin